
COPILOT has a legacy in specialty pharmacy claims processing for both medical and pharmacy benefits. Founded in 2010, COPILOT provides the pharmaceutical and life-science market with advanced healthcare technology solutions designed to power customized reimbursement HUB services. Through a partnership with its clients, COPILOT supports an individualized approach to pharma HUB services that puts the patient at the center of access to therapy.

The Market for HUB services continues to expand and be driven by technology enablement. COPILOT offers highly scalable technology for customizable programs with little to no “tech debt,” which could mean a more efficient implementation process. Our infrastructure currently supports both large-volume products and small, rare disorder products.

The COPILOT team incorporates extensive experience in transitioning established HUBs and in creating new programs in conjunction with product launches to achieve a high level of client care. COPILOT operations are structured to work within the framework of fully integrated pharmaceutical organizations and are nimble enough to align with emerging life-science organizations. We work collaboratively with Field Reimbursement teams, and our easy-to-use data portal tracks patients in real-time with a high degree of accuracy. Striving to differentiate across the industry, the team at COPILOT works to balance a consultative approach with a cost-driven approach with technology enablement to solution a Patient Access Program that meets your brand's needs and its reimbursement challenge.